Demonic Possession And Fun With Family
A few days before IT happened! (He's so worth it...) Trigger Warning – This is not a platform for religious debate. I am going to open up about my spiritual beliefs without trying to convince anybody to think differently or in return be saved from eternal damnation. Resist. The. Urge. I believe more people have died in the name of religion than all the wars combined and that there is no better way to control a people than to convince them that you are saving them from eternal damnation (cue TV evangelical voice – “For only $29.95 a month you TOO can have eternal life!”). I believe I came from something bigger than myself – something I probably can not fathom or explain. What if “God/Goddess” is the Big Bang? All light, all energy, all knowing. What if science and religion are the two halves of where we came from and divided will spawn only eternal war? What if we all just stop being assholes to each other? In the interest of staying on task, let's le...