Roll With It Baby!

Early morning snuggles Sometimes I think I am totally nailing the adulting thing, and then it can all fall apart in a moment. With witnesses. I had the boy at his pediatrician's office for his one year check up (LOVE LOVE LOVE Dr. Ho)! I was there on time and filling out forms, had distributed snacks to the boy and was Momming like a ninja! Dr. Ho had not heard of the kind of milk I give my son so I had brought in an empty washed out container of Ripple (a pea-based alternative milk) for his perusal of its nutritional value (I like the unsweetened vanilla). Dr. Ho stepped into the waiting area to confirm which vaccine we were doing that day (baby boy only gets one at a time spaced at least a week apart). I reached for the empty bottle of Ripple in the under-storage pouch of the stroller (see: rolling caravan of baby infrastructure) as the Dr. Ho points calmly (he does everything calmly) to the boy picking up a piece of dropped mum-mum cracker from the office flo...