Pieces of Me

The car wash seemed like a great idea until the terrible tentacle beast started beating on the windshield I found a writing fragment, and it is time to continue the story... Ran across this unfinished piece, and decided the topic was relevant again. I added to it diary/journal entry style, read and reread tried to edit, and just can not get good with it. Sometimes I feel like I have that writing “spark”, right now it feels like I'm trying to get this blog post out of myself with a ball-peen hammer. And then I realized if this post was smooth and not the choppy mess it is it would be a work of fiction, not a blog about my current life. I'm 45 years old with a two year old. I work. I'm taking a class (still chugging towards my BSN, crawling is better than not moving...), parenthood has strained our relationship. You know, life. So in all of its flawed splendor, I present to you my current world (but starting with my current world of a year ago – try...