The Way Back is Forward

Bubbles: 2 year old magic A funny thing happened on the way back to myself. I had my picture taken. Naked. Lots of them. About 2000 of them, to be exactish. New beginnings were calling us back East. One of Duncan's best friends was getting married, and he really wanted Logan to attend. Being Logan's official feeders and butt wipers, we went along too. Add in stops for assorted family and friends, we would go from Pennsylvania all over both the city and state of New York and Connecticut. Airplane snoozes and messy hair First train ride, in NYC no less I met Connecticut artist Randy Lagana in another chapter of my time. Don't we all have so many lifetimes in a lifetime? I was working as a designer in the tile industry. Randy came in with his Lady Love Jen working on some home improvement stuff. Turns out he is an amazing artist in several arenas, two of which are photography and acrylic painting. I asked Randy if he would be intereste...