Pregnancy. Descent into the WTF-ness

Us at 3 months pregnant

      I've always had the most basic, loopy ability to put thought to paper when properly inspired (see: crushed crushes and heartbreak) and can beat a decent piece of writing out of myself for a school assignment, usually fueled by the adrenaline of doing things at the last minute.  But any kind of regular urge to sit down and record thoughts and reflections on life?   Not so much. 
      The culmination of a nine (no, wait, that's bullshit) ten month pregnancy has left me with somewhere between a long short story and a very short novel in my head.  Here goes, in no particular order.  Welcome to my head.  Please enjoy your stay.

Wait...we're WHAT?
      We have all had a lot of lifetimes in our lifetime, and I have wiped my slate and started new chapters in defiance of basking in the lukewarm glow of mediocrity or settling for a less than extraordinary life.  I'm guessing more times than the average person.  I also have a sense of self entitlement for run on sentences.  It's my short sweet beautiful life.  I can't settle.  I won't settle.
      We were friends whose families got together approximately monthly for about eight years.  He had his wife and life and I had my own relationships and curvy path along the way.  We were never on the sidelines pining for one another, just friends that admired and respected the spark in the other, and the circle of All Of Us provided a safe space for fun food and a sharing of the selves.
     Right about the time he was dealing with the fallout of having married the wrong woman I was losing the fortitude to carry around the dead heavy carcass of what had not been a healthy relationship for about two years.  We started out in support of one another, holding up mirrors to the good we saw in one another and offering up words of comfort, logic, emotion, or the overall directive of if everything else fails to fix or bring comfort “just let that shit burn...”.  Then walks in the woods turned into the fact that stuff happens in the woods.  He told me he wanted to be with me.  I called bullshit.  You've been in a relationship for eight years.  You are a juicy virile man.  You need to dive into a waterfall of pussy and disappear for a while.  You might even believe what you are saying right now, but you are wrong.  I don't want to lose our friendship over a short hot fling as we simultaneously ride the manic crests of failed former lives.  Headed into our fifth year together as I sit 38 ½ weeks into pregnancy carrying our child, I am starting to believe him.  A little bit.
     He was told years ago with his ex that a child was just not in the cards for him for whatever fertility reasons, but those reasons were his to bear -- low count low motility blahblahblah.  I never believed it, even before we were romantically involved.   Once we got together, we only ever used coitus interrupts and cycle tracking as our method of birth control.   One can pretty much get pregnant just considering using rhythm method as their birth control choice.  January found me thinking about his loss of pleasure at having to withdraw at moments of climax.  Reasoning went something like this: Well shit I'm old, and I probably don't have any eggs left.  And you're old as hell and have been told by fertility specialists you're not going to produce a baby.  What are we wasting pleasure for?  (And besides, we'd make a beautiful baby, just sayin'. I'd have your baby! Oh yeah? Well I'd totally have your baby...and so on).  My love sums that moment up so concisely and with such delicious eloquence there is just no point in me trying to re write it:

     One night, over her in the near-dark, moving slow and strong inside her, I felt my seed quickening and in that split-instant I realized I was going to pin myself as deep in her as I might and plant my release right on top of her cervix. I remember making the decision and realizing – as I galloped towards release – that she didn’t know what had just happened in my mind. With my usual exuberant expressions of pleasure I let go. As she realized what was about to happen/was happening her head and shoulders rose up off the bed and molded to me as she wrapped her legs around me and mashed my body hard into hers. (from his blog at

      About two weeks later my moon cycle, which had given up its young irresponsible unpredictable ways for more mellow and reliable behavior in my middle age seemed to go off on a bipolar weekend bender that must have involved a fifth of vodka.  I had the indicative spot of blood in my panties that signaled the need to implement period protocol.  And then nothing else happened, for two days.  (I would later learn the term "Implantation blood").   I peed on a stick.  It reported back two blue lines. I'm not sure how long I stood there blinking dumbly and numbly at the pee covered plastic stick on my sink.
     Born and raised in Flint Michigan, I had managed to avoid the pitfall of becoming a teen pregnancy statistic. I had landed square in the middle of a geriatric pregnancy (I believe my OB office listed me as an “elderly primiparia”). At least I wasn't 16, terrified and unprepared.  I'm 43, terrified and unprepared.

     At 43 years old (and 51 for him) we are both pregnant for the first time (this comes one year after moving our lives from Connecticut to Maui -- talk about new chapters!).  With a combined age of 94 between us we have just decided to skip having kids and go straight to having our own grandchild. 

We hear it's easier and way more fun than having a kid. 

     When he brought in the mail
the next day -- he had received his AARP card application.  I can't make this up -- this shit writes itself.


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